Sunday, April 17, 2016

Good Teacher - Coursera - "Future of Education" - Week 3 - Reflection

Reading from the Week 3:

Hay McBer - Teacher Effectivesness - Report

and the blog post - The magic of a good science teacher

and the Mark K.Smith's "What is pedagogy?"

and  conversations of Alex Moore - videos

made me to reflect on the kind of teacher I encountered in my life. I did meet teachers - personally they are competent (with qualifications, teaching experience - these are normally considered the qualities of the good teacher in terms of assessing a good teacher - where I grew up). But I haven't seen them from the qualities of a good teacher that I have learned in the course - caring, sharing, lifelong learner, reflective, listener etc.

One teacher I remember in my all years of schooling -  particularly Primary years. My class teacher of Grade 5. Who is also my class teacher. Can you believe through out my schooling only photograph that I remember keeping with me is the class photograph of Grade 5 (1977), with the Class Teacher. All I remember is she is soft-spoken yet used to have class in her control (in terms of keeping the class going despite one or two distractions). She used to keep her work in line with the time schedules. She used to make every one enjoy the class. She used to listen to the students. i don't remember she complaining to parents about their wards. She used to say its best to talk to students, before telling it to parents, which I practice in my class. I am sure at least the characteristics that I read in the course are the once that I could see in her now, taking into consideration the times that she was teaching, environment, surroundings etc., I still feel she is the good teacher, otherwise of all people how will I remember her.

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