Tuesday, January 9, 2018

I wish I would have posted this letter to my nanna (dad)

Dear Sir,

The reason I always greeted sir, is the way you taught me things in day to day life without insulting me in front of others or admonishing me with harsh words.  I never saw you telling anything twice.  I never saw your authoritative tone as head of family. Though your educational qualification was minimal for a job, the knowledge and wisdom you shared made me at times wonder about the days where communication and information were through letters or telegram in case its an emergency. Life long learning for you always part of life.  At times I used to laugh and ask you why you visit sermons of all religions or all the public meetings I remember the answer “to speak in front of a gathering one must prepare and practice, by listening to them we can gain knowledge”. At times I just smile when someone asks me you got so much patience to attend so many events, probably I am into your footsteps.

Your first lesson to me, when I refused as a kid to greet an elderly person that day your talk, I remember still and greet people. When I refused to attend last rites when your mother passed away, as I was always angry the way she used to treat you made me to do so I will never forget your answer you simply said, “she is my mother”. My respect to wards you increased many folds. Your decision to give freedom to children to study what they want to pursue or right to choose their life partner despite the community pressure on you or your views on education I used to wonder how did you get these ideas. As I read many liberal or progressive views on education or treating kids at home, I always feel that I learnt these things long time ago. I always feel when I see the parents worried about their retirement days or read in the newspapers about the elderly people and how they are treated I never saw you feeling insecure about your retirement except you were worried about girls’ education and their future but never about yours.

Despite your low income you always helped students for their education. Despite your friends and students in influential positions you always refused to ask them for their favours. I used to wonder about the way you used to help people and wonder about why this man helps and never bothers about himself, your answer always used to be positive and two incidents that happened with me when people fondly remembered you made me more positive towards life.

I used to feel bad about at times when I see voting behavior of people I remember you – you always used to go and vote in the early hours and never disclosed your choice, and your respect for the democratic system and the institutions.

Thanks for making me a life long learner and a good human being. I hope to remain so.
Your beloved son

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